Turid Mathiesen Kvålsvoll

Turid Mathiesen Kvålsvoll

1960 -

Turid Mathiesen Kvålsvoll is an artist born in 1962 in Stranda, lives and works in Trondheim. She has impressed with solo exhibitions at renowned places such as Trondhjems Art Association, Heimdal Art Association, Galleri SG, Surnadal Billag and Nils Aas Art Workshop. Kvålsvoll's practice consist of painting, where she explores her own artistic expression in a world that is constantly and rapidly changing. Her approach to painting is deeply personal and performative, with an exploration of how her own body and location experience how different viewing locations affect her paintings.

"In my paintings, objects from our time as well as from art history are juxtaposed. I have confidence in seeing and having seen. What I have seen is stored as memories in the body. And I experience the movements that arise, and often characterize my paintings, as a consequence of what the eye has seen."

Why is Turid Mathiesen Kvålvoll interesting?

Kvålsvoll's works are dreamy and realistic at the same time. They are painted with vibrant colors and inspired by baroque classics. This can be seen in colorful brushstrokes on the canvases, and gives a dramatic but interesting effect.

Artworks available for co-ownership by Turid Mathiesen Kvålsvoll

Solo exhibitions

2021 Britannia kunstner 2021 Britannia Hotel Norge
2017 Separat utstilling Surnadal Billag Norge
2012 Separat utstilling Nils Aas Kunstverksted Norge
2011 Pulp Heimdal Kunstforening Norge
2011 Separat utstilling Galleri SG Norge
2008 Midt Norsk kunstfestival Midt Norsk kunstfestival Norge
2005 Midt Norsk kunstfestival Midt Norsk kunstfestival Norge
2003 Midt Norsk kunstfestival utstillings stipend Midt Norsk kunstfestival Norge

Group exhibitions

2022 Gruppeutstilling Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst K.U.K. Norge
2021 Trøndelagsutstillingen Trøndelagsutstillingen Norge
2020 Gruppeutstilling «Konstellasjoner» Buer Gallery Norge
2020 Gruppeutstilling «Røros–høst» Kunst og Kaos Norge
2020 Gruppeutstilling «Vågå–sommar» Galleri Ullinsvin Norge
2020 TBK sommerutstilling Trondheims Kunstforening Trondheim kunstmuseum Norge
2019 Trondheim Kunstforening Trondheim Kunstforening Norge
2019 Høstutstillingen Høstutstillingen Norway

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